Wednesday, December 28, 2011

2011 in review...

Wow - what a year it has been for me. I feel like so much has happened in the past 365 days that I should at least highlight some of it. Here we go...

1. Rented my first apartment...broke the lease after 9 months

2. Survived the snowpocalypse that shut down all of Atlanta...totally ate it on the concrete the second I left the house after 4 solid days of confinement

3. Made lots of mistakes...loved a little...learned a lot

4. Stood by my best friend as I watched her marry her best friend

5. Sold two necklaces at a real store

6. Became an aunt

7. Got a job and moved to NYC (all within 10 days)

8. Renovated an apartment

9. Lost 20 pounds - gained 10 back

10. Met some amazing people and can't wait to meet more...

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